Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blogger Introduction!

Wow. First blog post.
(Achievement Unlocked: Letters from a Noob)

Welcome to Ctrl+Alt+D-pad! My name is Todd McCann. This here is a blog focusing on gaming and technology. I suppose you haven't seen a blog dedicated to these topics before, as it's a rare thing on "the nets". Don't be fooled by my technical lingo though, I'm a casual gamer who thinks he's hardcore, and I have an opinion on almost everything (and that opinion is always right!).

Here at CADPad, (ooh, an abbreviated name, I'm so cool!) myself and some other contributing authors will be writing about video games, new gadgets and tech, boardgames, tabletop RPG's and whatever else suits our fancies.

So, say hello in the comments and check back for updates.

Later this week: Call of Duty: Ghosts, first impressions.